Veg Scoop

Turning over to a vegetarian life.


Posted on | June 15, 2016 | Comments Off on Vegetables

So that they are important sources of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and biologically active substances. Vitamin C supply sauerkraut and potatoes, green onions and tomatoes, zucchini and sweet pepper … especially contains a lot of it in the dill and parsley, in color and cabbage, sorrel and spinach. The same cabbage, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes and squash, carrots, beets are rich in vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting. In green vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, sweet pepper contains pro-vitamin A – carotene. "Vegetable" sugar and starch rich in biologically active substances.

These carbohydrates, but contained in other products, compared with its value can not. The same can be applied to mineral substances. In vegetables, they consist mainly of alkali metals, a positive effect on the maintenance of acid-base balance. Onions, garlic, radish, and some other vegetable crops contain bactericides. No wonder people say: "Garlic and onions from all sickness!" There are substances in vegetables, are responsible for taste and flavor, they are designed to excite the appetite. Purpose and task of each chef, as a good housewife in particular – keep all valuable vegetables.

During the preparation of vegetable soups try to reduce loss of vitamins and minerals, because of the fact he and vegetable soup, soup, rich in vitamins! "What kind of soup? You just poured water into a cup: no taste no, it stinks. I do not want this soup, give me another, "- says Khlestakov servant. And then remember with longing, dignity Petersburg dinners flavor of the soup: "… open the lid – couples who can not find this in nature." Khlestakov right – the soup as it was and remains the main dining dish. Lunch without soup is not dinner. According to academician IP Pavlov soup – it's "Major department food." According to another Russian scientist IM Sechenov soup – "savory way", rich in vitamins that we need especially in winter. What, is stored for the winter vitamins!


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