Veg Scoop

Turning over to a vegetarian life.

Farm Vegetables

Posted on | November 12, 2017 | Comments Off on Farm Vegetables

It does not force the escape of the pressure! Finishing to cook, to the few, it takes off the rind of saves, that it must be passed immediately in the processor. You will get a thick mass that, if it will not be consumed immediately, it can be congealed in plastic or exactly cubinhos bags for up to four months, but it will demand a reprocessamento. The biomass of green banana also is excellent allied of the digestion! Meats with little fat You do not need to cut the meat of its cardpio because of the fat. Meats of or grilled cooked, braised chicken; fish not very greasy, as fished and merluza – to the oven or grilled – and less greasy red meats – what it includes duckling, soft coxo and lizard – they are set free, according to nutritionist Andria Ceschin de Avelar. But nothing of frituras! Green juice According to Fernanda nutritionist Farm, the juice of salsinha and borecole is rich in clorofila, a energizante and full substance of zinc and antirust substances, necessary item for the recovery of the stomach, beyond vitamin C and magnesium.

For the preparation, it has beaten the green ingredients with juice of a fruit, water and linhaa germinated. To germinate linhaa, it is enough to place a soup spoon in a cup with water. After four hours, the seed will be ready to be added in the green juice. Vegetables or braised vegetables Consummate vegetables and vegetables – as much in the lunch how much in the supper -, but it remembers refogar them, since very hard leves can bother the walls of its stomach. Therefore, the nutritionist Andria Ceschin de Avelar advises that to the consumption in natura of vegetables as cabbage, raw borecole, escarola, lettuce and watercress is prevented, at least in the start. Beans broth the nutritionist Andria Ceschin de Avelar counts that, even so the grain of the beans must be prevented because of the fermentation that it provokes, its broth can be used to advantage. Beyond it easily to be digested, you can use to advantage the nutrients that the beans still offers and to kill the will, since the taste of the broth is not modified when separate of the grain. Vegetable soups and canjas also are set free. Source: MinhVida, health, feeding and well-being


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