Lapa Left
Posted on | September 19, 2013 | Comments Off on Lapa Left
Carlos Lindberg Bencio Dos Santos When Vitorino conferred the ticket of the Mega-Sena and saw quetinha made right the six sets of ten, almost fell hard in the soil. Tum felt one tum frightful tumto in the chest, that thought it was to die. Then, it promised the todosos saints to help the poor persons, to give money for the workmanships of the church and until going it would emromaria the Good Jesus of the Lapa, if that squeeze coraopassasse in it. When after all it was calmed, it aindaestava without answers for the questions that made it the people gifts nacasa lottery on the reason of as much pallor and tremedeira and if everything estavabem. After that, more stuned what never, it left direct for the Economic agency dCaixa and when presented the ticket to the manager, it started to know asdiferenas it enters the two worlds of which the planet Land is formed: apertadoe vast world of the poor persons and the miniature and wide world of the rich ones. At sight dobilhete awardee, the manager, full of rapaps and salamaleques, manager notices quejamais it in the lines of the osminguados box when it went to every month deposit caramingus in its matching-fund saving account, it opened vast sorrisoe gave to it one to it I hug and a so warm squeeze of hand that Vitorino felt oprprio king of the black cocada one. Cafezinho, water frozen, rooms special with arcondicionado, phone calls, faxes for Brasilia, gorgeous desecretrias indecifrveis looks, orientaes on papers and investments, signatures, questions on its necessities At last, summarizing, some hours later withhold entered in the agency, Vitorino left already imported, commotorista car and particular secretariat, security, some doses of whiskey escocsno judgment and the absolute certainty there of that with those twenty and eight million, six hundred and ninety and four a thousand, two hundred and forty and three Reals and dezesseiscentavos, its life would go to give an overturn of the devils.