Aikido Defense
The esportiva part of the JJB has its paper, therefore it contributes for practitioner to develop the kinaesthetic sense, the rhythm of the techniques and the physical education, however, this cannot be taken to the point to atrophy the essential elements of the art, as she comes occurring. How many practicing of JJB they know […]
Nautical Headquarters
The inaugural goal was of Heitor Pine, to the 14 of 1 time, for the owners of the house. The wooden arquibancada one trembled, creaked and estalava during the games. Until, in 19.09.1943, to the 18 of 1 time of Is Cristvo x Flamengo, when rubronegro was successful for 1×0, part of the overcrowded arquibancada […]
Upheaval Deficit
In the HIPERATIVIDADE (2006), it meets description of some cares complementary to diminish the mannering problems of the hiperativos as: It stimulates its son to participate of projects that helps if to concentrate it as: glue photos in album of family, album of figurinhas and contributes so that it finishes. Concluding the project it will […]