Veg Scoop

Turning over to a vegetarian life.

Anxiety, Health And Religion

Responsibility-taking into account the consequences of our actions before God and others. Not only our actions, even our thoughts and our words, the responsibility is entirely proprietary or personal, we must exercise ourselves, ie we can not prevent someone offends us, but our responsibility is to overlook the offense, forgive and bless; maybe we can […]

Padre Pablo

In this manner, the marianas devotions are cristocntricas and logically trinitrias. He is what in he says the Saint to them Padre Pablo VI: ' ' He is of the maximum convenience, before more nothing, that the mercy exercises stops with the Virgin Maria states in clear way, the trinitria and cristolgica characteristic that them […]


(ibid, 20) Still standing out the singular aspects of listening in the clinic, Levy speaks that: The clinical boarding has only felt in a mutually accepted relation, with all the acasos, the doubts and uncertainties that it holds. It justifies itself and is only possible because the physician is, in certain way, desired, waited, waited; […]

Who is the Father?

Not if turbe your heart, nor if intimidates. You heard that said I you: I go, and I will come back you. You loved if me, you would be glad yourselves of that I go for the Father; because the Father is bigger of what I. Said I you now, before he happens, so that, […]