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Psychological Health

Posted on | May 5, 2016 | Comments Off on Psychological Health

The Dark Side of the mind has been well documented over thousands of years that man carries himself battling continuously on Earth. The psychiatric bases of psychological torture, are known to tragic, as they have been successfully employed systematically throughout centuries by different civilizations. The first measure used in any military interrogation is to create a strong emotional climate of coercion in order to trigger the prisoner persecutor anxiety. Under the heavy reliance caused the captivity, the only way to neutralize the anxiety is the linkage with the aggressor, with the aim of securing a sadomasochistic dynamic in which the oppressor assumes the role of sadistic father. When a victim is subjected to this unbearable pressure will inevitably be forced to choose between flight or retreat, and the adoption of a submissive behavior for protective purposes, as the possible reactions of self or hetero, are cleared quickly. Sooner or later, the impossibility of escape the situation forces him to incorporate a single formula for survival based on the acceptance of masochistic role has been granted in respect of the accused. With progression of the interaction, perpetrator and victim identity assigned internalize and namesake, in a way that reinforces a strong bond between them that has been described as “Stockholm Syndrome.” Under this situation, isolation, sensory and sleep deprivation are factors that are used in psychological torture, with the intention of increasing the level of dependency on the victim and to promote rapid regression to a childlike behavior.

At this time, the situation becomes particularly critical especially when techniques are used for targeting and sensory stimulation to enhance the lack of communication with other human beings. It is the time, which collapses the last defense to counter the unsustainable suffering caused by the relentless persecution, so the last resort to hold off the Aggression is crossing the threshold of psychosis, starting from here, the total devastation of the self. Psychosis is a state of foreign fantasy to reality in the mental processes that develop alternative perceptions built from non-existent. Those affected, displayed images or hear sounds that do not happen in reality, they are a product of lurking and scary imaginary world to which Freud called the unconscious. Today we know for sure that there are unlikely to emerge unscathed from this mental dimension parallel. The degree of irreversibility of a psychosis is very difficult to determine a priori, but it is generally accepted that holds direct correlations with the time the person is exposed to the damaging agent and its intensity.

From the psychiatric point of view, arbitrarily means that a greater or lesser extent, psychosis with duration of 6 months is a severe form and is called Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a disease that has an oscillating episodic, consisting of periods of lucidity and other crisis or madness, which alternate in time with a certain unpredictability. It seems clear that agents tend to emphasize external stressogenic and trigger periods of depression in patients who suffer chronically. For severe forms of schizophrenia, representing about one-third of the total, the disease is irreversible to a greater or lesser degree. All these reasons make schizophrenia one of the most devastating psychiatric diseases, severe and feared as the possibility of complete remission is low.


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