Obama Together
Posted on | January 1, 2013 | Comments Off on Obama Together
The current President of USA, which was during the attacks, have accompanied their wives attended the commemoration of the attacks. The ceremony started at 0845 local time with a minute of silence. Various authorities and relatives of the victims have also attended the tribute. Ten years after the attacks that they shook the world, New York commemorated this Sunday the most symbolic anniversaries of the 11-S from the Memorial, dedicated in Uptown Park zero to the almost 3,000 victims, where their families honored their memory. Relatives could contemplate the end this park and especially two huge sources built where the twin towers were, and thus leave behind other anniversaries commemorated with added grief to go to a place in rebuilding that evoked even more if it should be the great tragedy.
This Sunday, in what was ground zero, relatives could read the names of those who died in the attacks on the twin towers, both in 1993 and in 2001, in the attack on the Pentagon and in the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, all recorded on the panels of bronze surrounding the two sources of the Park. On each anniversary, 2,983 victims names were read by their own relatives, a reading that went with the music as a backdrop of the cello of Yo-Yo Ma, James Taylor and Paul Simon guitar or flute of Emi Ferguson. With all the pain of my heart, my husband, Pedro Francisco Checo, said in Spanish of one of the victims of those attacks, women who, excited, added that this will always be missing in our puzzle piece. The voice of the family entrecorto while they remembered to parents, mothers, children, brothers, uncles or grandparents who lost their lives in the biggest terrorist attack in United States history. A decade later, it still seems like it was yesterday, he said another of the relatives of the victims.