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Latin America

Posted on | January 25, 2014 | Comments Off on Latin America

The new global economy starts to turn in bull to three axes: the macroeco-continuous use of money, credit and the intereses. Conquer the world a new love of riches; Peter Drucker quotes the first ministro of Communist China, who in 1985 said: becoming rich is beautiful. Because it is a universal truth that prosperity is service, which commercial activity is benefactor; and research-nes of the cleric and the progressive intelectual, remain in the barn of antipathies. With all these wonders of modernity, where, from cell phones, the Palm and the Notebook becomes doubtful the existence of so many poor, economists have been refreshing water, dew of the dawn, to the poppies of the chimera. Its work has been and is the outline the limits of the action, and print the terroir of the per-misible. That is why his work has also been moral. The economy, rather than be a disciplina with scientific pretensions, it has functioned as the moral guarantor and the nue – va philosophy as possible. Nations have become a classroom study of the economy.

In a civilisation like ours in which unique goods that appear as such, for most men, are economic goods, how you fight the scourge of poverty? Economic dynamism enables goods materials, produced in abun-abundance, to collaborate without much difficulty, in the fulfilment of common to all mankind human destiny. Part of this solution, this dynamism, is given by the retor-no of man to huddle together in civil society as a third sector entity, comprises-tions non-profit that increasingly are constituted as solid solutions to the human problem in the world order, with a vision of the destination co-mun: comprehensive assistance from families. From here, which should develop an economic morality focused on the happiness of man, similar to immortal morals that commands us to develop all our values of being, but different existing almost entirely negative economic morality Since condemned or suspected of spiritual property and resorts, shaped almost exclusive – going to the material, by signing of prosaic means vital possessions of the exist-CIA. They will then be material resources, if they become human property, which will serve as a pedestal or trampoline to the improvement of our human nature. Nelson Astegher words: poverty, Latin America, moral, order, world, modernity, cell-res, notebook, necessity, economy, global, work. Summary Governments have an explanation about the existence of the homeless.

If GDP increases there is less poor. According to the index, when investment increases there is more work, although there are no it. According to Governments proper management of wage flexibility, helps to increase the labour supply and thus be a palliative against poverty. Companies must have freedom of movement, but not the people, since their rights are secondary, anecdotal. Low inflation generates poverty? Governments say that salvation for the submerged classes is low inflation, because workers are afraid to claim more salary and benefits. This is not proven. That is why his work has also been moral. In a civilisation like ours in which the unique goods that appear as such, are goods econo-monkeys, how do you fight the scourge of poverty? Economic dynamism enables goods materials, produced in abundance, to collaborate without much difficulty, in the fulfilment of common to all mankind human destiny.


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