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Posted on | November 27, 2012 | Comments Off on Citizen

According to author, can itself be understood these two-way conditions of production: strict? enunciative context? ample e? context ideological partner-description and. 3,3 Mussalim citizen (2006) detaches the existence of three phases of the AD ones (Analysis of the Speech), which understand procedures and differentiated objects of analysis. In result of this, it will have a conception of citizen for each notion of speech. For the cited author (op. cit.), in the AD-1, the citizen is understood as assujeitado, since he is submisso to the norms that delimit the speech that it enunciates. The AD-2 understands the citizen with being a function, since it locates itself in a social place of where it enunciates (Example: place of mother, pupil, professor etc.) Finally, for the AD-3, the citizen is seen with a clivado being, that is, broken up, divided, between conscientious (it produces its proper speech) and unconscious one (it reproduces the preexisting speeches intention of this work, we approach the conception of inherent citizen to the third phase of the AD ones, which understands that the citizen is complemented in the interelao with the other.

It fits here to also stand out what Orlandi (2002) defends, the discursivos studies aim at to study the relation between the exterior citizen and elements that influence in its lingustico development. Leaving of this idea, it is cabvel to affirm that it does not have speech without citizen and it does not have citizen without ideology (PCHEUX, 1975 apud ORLANDI, 2002, P. 17). The citizen is influenced by the ideological devices, that in short are responsible for the production of the speeches elaborated for the citizens in determined enunciative situations. 3,4 Interdiscurso interdiscurso could basically be understood as the crossing (relation/space of exchanges) of some speeches, exactly having the predominance of one in relation to the other (MUSSALIM, 2006). According to Orlandi (2002), three important concepts for the area of the Analysis of the Speech exist: interdiscurso, intradiscurso and the intertextualidade.


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