Canada Species
Posted on | November 9, 2012 | Comments Off on Canada Species
Excellent plant for who you children and decoration. Contribution also of the pupil Kaique Babosa Babosa is the popular name of the Vera Aloe, is a plant known in the entire world, belongs the family of the Liliacea. Andres Philip 6 series B Goiabeira Iris the iris is vulgar Noah given to the flowers of the Lilum sort of the Liliceae family original of the hemisphere north with occurs in the Europe, Asia and North America. It is a generic name of some plants of the family of the Liliaceas and Amarilidaceas. Example: Iris of Amazon: Grandiflora Euchars, Amazonian Euchars.
Also known as Star D? White, Star of Belm or Estrela of the communication, species wide used in the entire world. Iris of rain: Rosea Zigphantes, cantida, grantiflora Zephrothes, all wide cultivated in munno entire tigrado Iris is a hybrid of several other species of irises the plants reaches normally of 1,2 the 2 meters of height. Source: winkipedia Palm buriti (flexuosa Mauritia) is one of the most singular palms of Brazil. Buriti is an abundant species in the Open pasture and an infallible indicative of the water existence in the region. As the Open pasture is rich in water, there they are the buritis, framing the trails, streams and waterfalls, inserted in heaths and springs. The relation with the water is not to toa. Seven-pantries or Almond tree Scientific Name: Terminalia catappa Eleven-hours Nugget-of-gold or violeteira is a native ornamental plant of Mexico very used for paisagismo.
This plant is a lenhoso shrub of yellow-esverdeada dense ramagem, that is with color more exuberant if displayed the sun full. It produces small yellow fruits in the autumn that attract the birds. She is used much little in the Bonsai culture. Source: Winkipedia Grassy the grassy ones are a vast family of angiosprmicas (plants with flower), technical assigned Poaceae (or Gramineae), of cosmopolita distribution. The diversity of species that belong to this group is enormous, about 10000 species distributing itself for about 650 gneros, only surpassed for the orqudeas (Orchidaceae) and the composed (Asteraceae), in the universe of the vegetal kingdom. Nugget-of – gold the cientico name is Duranta repens, Nugget-of-gold or violeteira is a native ornamental plant of Mexico very used for paisagismo. This plant is a lenhoso shrub of yellow-esverdeada dense ramagem, that is with color more exuberant if displayed the sun full. It produces small yellow fruits in the autumn that attract the birds. The goiabeira the scientific name Psidium guajava L. Is a small tropical, native fruitful tree of all America, except Canada, and of the South Africa 1. It analyzes and quarrel of the results the plants of the garden of the school are ornamental, they are the majority exotic are not of Atlantic Mata, that is bioma of the city where if it locates the school in Guaratinguet. That they are the eleven-hours, samambaia, goiabeira and buriti.