Veg Scoop

Turning over to a vegetarian life.

2. Symposium

Posted on | June 8, 2014 | Comments Off on 2. Symposium

All business is human – because appreciation is made of people! Many organizations implement a wide variety of practices in the environment by Kaizen, Kaizen, lean, etc, but often unfortunately not lasting enough. In our projects, we empower organizations to work with the improvement and Coachingkata. This approach differs from the previous type, to improve business processes. The two katas there is not, to find out what solutions there could be for what problem? Rather, establishing a new routine of behavior that enables employees to themselves is to develop appropriate solutions, in the foreground. So, systematically new knowledge to improve the business process is generated within a daily lived improvement work to increase the competitiveness. To do this, we raise the learning factory team consulting & training, working first with the business simulation factory in the seminar room (FiS) for the interaction of sub-processes within the entire business process. Here we show that process changes of less to the facts as such can fail, as to those people who feel not included with, or whose knowledge and experience is not included in the improvement work. As a result, we empower executives (educators) and employees (trainees) in the application of the improvement and Coachingkata and develop gradually a (learning) routine, as approaching this a defined target condition.

Thereby, we pretend not the way, but are presided over all available. With this kind of our work we contribute, that organizations such as the Ducker Group GmbH and the Weidemann GmbH itself out its own system to improve daily. “On the 23 + 24 October 2013 you can learn in the 2nd Symposium”Change to Kaizen”, such as a wide variety of organizations the challenges of a lean organisation” are addressed. What successes they achieved, but also that There have been setbacks. Because on the 2nd Symposium, change to Kaizen”be Manager of Kirson GmbH, Ferdinand Grah, lean under other Bettina Sauer, lean expert and design thinker hospital as well as Gerd Hammerschmidt, head personal group of Pfleiderer GmbH holding can experience at the voestalphine group-IT GmbH, Jorg Gottschalk, Managing Director of the Martin-Luther -, which will present individual projects together with trainers, consultants and coaches. Our speakers in particular, as well as the entire program to the 2nd Symposium change to Kaizen”because organisations will be never better than their employees, see. Angela drove learning factory


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